Philippine Nurses Association of Central Florida, Inc. Nurse Excellence Achievement Awards
The PNACF Nurse Excellence Achievement Awards will be given out to selected awardees every two years during the PNACF Induction & Awards Event under the following categories:
I. Clinical Staff Nurse
II. Nursing Administration
III. Nurse Educator
IV. Community & Population Health Nursing
V. Advanced Practice Registered Nurse
Call for Nominations:
• Award candidates are invited to submit applications or nominations by the designated deadline: November 23, 2023, that address criteria relevant to their chosen award category.
• The PNACF Excellence Achievement Awards are presented in person to the recipients at the Christmas and Awards Gala Event at The Rosen Plaza Hotel on December 2, 2023, at 9700 International Drive., Orlando, Florida.
Eligibility Criteria
Category I: Clinical (Staff) Nurse Nominee must:
A. Be a current U.S. licensed nurse practicing in the role of clinical staff nurse a minimum of two (2) years.
B. Provide evidence of significant contributions to the practice of nursing as a generalist nurse within the last two (2) years.
C. Be publicly recognized by a professional organization and/or PNACF for meritorious contributions as a generalist nurse within the last two (2) years.
D. Maintain current practice through education (formal or contact hours) pertinent to the clinical (staff) nurse role.
Category II: Nurse Administrator/Manager Nominee must:
A. Be a current U. S. licensed nurse practicing in the role of nurse administrator, director, or manager for at least two (2) years.
B. Provide evidence within the last 10 years of innovative, impactful leadership in any healthcare setting (i.e., acute, chronic, ambulatory, community, or long-term care) within the last five (5) years. 2
C. Be publicly recognized for significant contributions to nursing leadership/management and/or PNAA within the last ten (10) years.
D. Maintain current in role through education (formal or contact hours) directly related/relevant to the nurse administrator/manager role.
Category III: Nurse Educator Nominee must:
A. Be a current U. S. licensed nurse educator/faculty affiliated with a School or College of Nursing or practices in an in-service/continuing education role for the last two (2) years.
B. Provide evidence (i.e., curriculum development, teaching plan, Awards of teaching and learning project) of their role as nurse educator within the last five (5) years.
C. Be publicly recognized for significant contributions through nursing education to the practice of nursing and/or PNAA within the last ten (10) years.
D. Maintain current practice through education (formal or contact hours) directly related/relevant to the nurse educator role.
Category IV: Community & Population Health Nurse Nominee must:
A. Be a current practicing U.S. licensed community and population health nurse for at least two (2) years.
B. Provide evidence (i.e., president/chairperson/project leader of at least one (1) established professional nursing, civic, or community organization) in their role as community and population health nurse within the last five (5) years.
C. Be publicly recognized for significant contributions through community and population health nursing on the image and quality of life for the Filipino community at large to the profession and/or PNAA within the last ten (10) years.
D. Maintain current practice through education (formal or contact hours) directly related/relevant to the community and population health nurse role.
Category V: Advanced Practice Registered Nurse (APRN) Nominee must: A. Be a current U.S. licensed and Board-certified Advanced Practice Registered Nurse in the role of Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA), Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS), Certified Nurse Practitioner (CNP), or Certified Nurse Midwives (CNM) for at least two(2) years.
B. Provide evidence (i.e., Practice Guidelines, Care Protocols) of significant contribution through evidence-based development of innovative ideas and programs to improve patient care access and diagnosis, nursing practice, health promotion and disease prevention in their APRN role within the last five (5) years.
C. Be publicly recognized for significant contribution to the practice of Advanced Practice Clinical Nursing and persons served and/or PNAA directly related/relevant to the APRN role within the last ten (10) years.
D. Maintain current practice through education (formal or contact hours) directly related/relevant to the APRN role.
Category VI: Nurse Entrepreneur Nominee must:
A. Be a current U.S. licensed Nurse Business Owner/Entrepreneur for at least two (2) years.
B. Provide evidence (i.e., Business model for legal nurse consultant, wellness coach, nurse staffing, nurse blogger/free-lance writer, etc. ) in their role as nurse entrepreneur within the last five (5) years.
C. Be publicly recognized for significant contribution to the professional and personal growth and socioeconomic well-being of person(s) and/or PNAA directly related/relevant to the nurse entrepreneur role within the last ten (10) years.
D. Maintain current practice through education (formal or contact hours) directly related/relevant to the nurse entrepreneur role.